Victim 2 Victor
An intense ordeal of suffering, adversity and misfortune, leading all the way up to resilience, steadfastness and elation…
A ground-breaking motivational and inspiring book that unfolds the story of a childhood abuse survivor and how she transforms from a self-destructive being to a fully confident, independent one.
No one could have imagined how Anu Verma, a resident of Coventry, an Indian origin, sexually abused from three to late adolescence, could manage to transform from a suppressed, miserable being to an outrageously liberated, assertive entity. Victim 2 Victor is an empowering story of Anu’s life—of how she survived her early gruesome years and healed through her own pragmatic will power.
This is an untold, raw story of how her parents made their way to the United Kingdom in their teens, in search for a better life, ignorant of the turbulent, mixed culture of the western society. The strict, Indian hierarchical society was a world away from that of the British nation they discovered, one that was undergoing significant legal, societal, and attitudinal changes towards women.
Victim 2 Victor takes readers on a remarkable journey of how Anu couldn’t escape those haunting memories for many years down the line, of how she couldn’t establish her identity, sexuality, or self-worth. This soul searching best trauma therapy book narrates how she came close to ending her life, indulged in bad relationships and found escape in the most harmful ways. And later, how her travelling experiences and journey of self discovery battled her demons and saved her life. In the Dauntless: Invisible to Invincible book, she relies on her science background and spiritual growth to explain her remarkable recovery and hopes to help others by sharing her story.
Dauntless: Invisible to Invincible
Step out of the shadows and into the spotlight!
With 20 powerful and inspiring authors sharing their stories of going from feeling invisible to invincible in this best trauma therapy book, you'll be motivated and inspired to unleash your own potential and share your magic on a greater scale.
In this Dauntless: Invisible to Invincible book each author shares their phenomenal journey and the impact it had on their businesses and lives. Plus, they provide practical and actionable tips in this book to unleash your potential and help you get more visible.
Whether you're a coach, entrepreneur, or simply looking to make a difference in the world, this motivational and inspiring book to unleash your potential will provide you with the inspiration and guidance you need to get seen, get heard and create a Positive impact.
So, grab a tea, coffee or Tequila, get comfortable to read this motivation and inspiring book, and get ready to be inspired by these mavericks who are breaking the mould and leading the way.

"Sharing our stories about overcoming sexual assault are essential to help heal our collective culture. I'm proud of Anu for sharing her story, and inspiring others to know they aren't alone."
Erin Bagwell
Victim 2 Victor is a candid memoir presenting the hidden meanings behind tragic events. It is aimed at readers who may have suffered abuse in a similar way and want to heal, or those who have a general interest in self-help.
Best Trauma Therapy Book | What People Think About Victim 2 Victor?
Touhid Prodhan
Direct prose that reaches the soul.
Victim to Victor is a must read book for all. The book have reinstated my faith in the fact that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Its a book on hope, self worth and happiness. It will teach you how to live life when nothing is in your favor, basically it will teach you how to LIVE life. If you are feeling sad or you think ‘its not worth it’, go read this book and I am sure you will NOT feel that anymore.
I love the reflection and how she describes her thoughts through every situation. This is a sign of pure self-realization and inspiring to everybody. We all need to apply these reflection methods in our lives as it may help stop people acting silly.
I really ask thank for this book. . It combines practicality with truth. It was also a big relief to me to find out there were other people like me. Now that I know what I can offer the world I can start building on my strengths and, understand vI was not made to be like everyone else.
Katelyn K. Richardson
Amazing book and a superbly talented author. “Victim 2 Victor” will positively impact and benefit thousands of people after they read it. The author describes her journey as a victim so beautifully, I could not put the book down, so many highs and lows. She transforms her life through her personal growth which is a important message for us all. We must not remain victims but fight to achieve victory. This is a must read so go and get this book!!
John D
This book is not just a memoir but a relatable story of a woman who has managed to overcome the demons of her past. It is valuable guide book and tool which we could all learn from. It describes the authors journey and educates us on trauma and abuse and the techniques to overcome this. It is a valuable book to have for anybody who has suffered from abuse and may be suffering from trauma.
Mason Phy
am exceptionally cheerful to perused this incredible direct book. Easy to get it this book. This may be a astonishing book. This book is truly awesome. I propose each one to perused the book. I request you to purchase the book, at that point you’ll get it how great the book is.
Dana Hampton
There are several books that are my favorites that I loved reading.
Estella Marufo
I have never read a book so fast. Part 1 really got me sad and I was happy then when I was learning about how the author overcomes the pain she suffered. This book is a great tool to help us to understand about trauma and abuse. It is educational and learnt me lots I did not understand about. The therapies are interesting and lots of new stuff I will apply on myself. I have done yoga and so I know how it benefits us and I will now want to continue with this knowing it will help me in the long term. I will keep this book and refer to it forever as so much I want to apply in my life. Thankyou for sharing very valuable tools.
I downloaded this book to understand trauma as I have suffered the majority of my life from depression. The book has been an excellent guide and gives some great tips on how to heal from trauma. I have been meditating for a few years now and am excited to now try hypnotherapy, yoga, and cold showers. This book is a valuable tool for everybody looking for tips on a better quality of life.
I was drawn to the powerful cover of this book as it came up as a recommendation and I read the sample and was drawn in to Anu and what she had been through. I had to download the rest of the book and am in awe of this powerful woman, being of Asian heritage, it must be hard to open up about such taboo topics because this is not easily talked about in the indian culture. She is a brave woman o honest. I love the way the content is so raw and honest. I find myself relating to this book on so many levels. It helped me see how whatever has happened in my life, has led me to where I am. Thank you for this beautiful book and the value it has given to me in my life journey.
Brandy M
The way she begins the book with a lengthy acknowledgement was special. She made sure to not miss anyone and it also provided a way to see who she is as a person. From the start my heart went out to her. So many women have dealt with the same things and aren’t able to speak on it so her deciding to write was brave of her. The fact of it being close people that even he family trusted is scary and even seeing she couldn’t even go to school without some type of troubles was heavy for me. It was such a relieve when Paul showed up in her life. I believe the turning point for her came when she realized those people were part of her personal development.. Throughout the book she showed what she went through, what steps she took and how she overcame it. With that I believe she will help many women do that same and that is amazing. She didn’t give just one way but many because one way will not get the job done. I’m glad I got this book and will pass it on and suggest it to other women and girls as well.
A journey from darkness into light Victim 2 Victor by Anu Verma is a powerfully written and emotionally charged book. It isn’t an easy read by any means. The first part of the book is a heartbreaking account of the childhood sexual abuse that Anu was subjected to, which continued over the years. It is also a frightening look inside Indian culture, and the way that girls and women are perceived. As she gets older Anu throws herself from one unhealthy relationship to the next as she tries to make herself feel better, to try to find the person who will help her to heal. Anu discovers a love of travel, and travels extensively, meeting lots of different people, some who will help, some who will harm further. She begins to explore, through the visiting of such wonderful countries, different forms of healing. She becomes a Reiki Master, employs yoga and identifies strongly with Buddhism. Anu then demonstrates how some or all of these healing practices can shape and change how you feel about yourself. I think this book would be of help to anyone who still suffers from lingering trauma and is at a loss how to begin to address it. A powerful, emotional read.
Usama Arshad
I have read a couple of stories but this autobiography touches my soul. This is just a masterpiece that creater its magic on its reader. The story is amazing with a lot of lessons which really need to address to make this world a better place to live at. I highly recommend reading that book as it will help you to boast up your confidence to fight against injustice.
So many problems the author faced and she seems to have come out fantastic on the other end. It’s the most inspiring story I have ever read. Talking, writing, and speaking about issues help us to get over them though the societies we exist in do not practice this
Alex D
Feeling worthless or isolated? Feel like it’s time to take yourself? Read this along, and perhaps, whatever you are going through, will look like nothing, to what this girl has been through her whole life. Victim 2 victor by Anu Verma was such an emotional and deep read which made me feel so sad at the beginning as I wanted things to work better for young Anu, but later it all turned to an energetic and inspiring tell-all, as she evolved to a smart and independent lady and loving mother to a son. The book unfolds into two main parts, wherein the first half, the author explains all that she has been through, being a victim of sexual abuse at her very young ages. The saddest part was that she had become a victim of it again and again, up to the point she lost her own identity, self-esteem, and independence. Throughout the chapters, the author shares all the twists and turns that she had, the feelings of depression and anxiety, and how she got help, therapy, and her journey in overcoming all these negative feelings and emotions. During the second half, the author elaborates on all the tips and techniques that she used while overcoming her negative setbacks, which I felt could be really useful for anyone who is out there, looking for help to overcome similar situations. The overall flow of the incidents and the content was well-aligned, and the author had used a simple yet inspiring writing style to let herself out. I can imagine how strong one should be, to come out like this, and to let the world know what they have been through and to make others inspired to be strong. It was such a great read and highly recommended.
Julie M
I really ask thank for this book. . It combines practicality with truth. It was also a big relief to me to find out there were other people like me. Now that I know what I can offer the world I can start building on my strengths and, understand vI was not made to be like everyone else
Malouindha Bellevue
An honest book that guides you while being packed with honesty and reflection.It started off really sad that I was in tears, no child should have to go through what the author went through at the age of 3.The book got more powerful as I read it and shows that knowledge is power. The advise and techniques she gives has opened up my mind to what is available out there.This book will be of service to everybody in the world and I wish the author all the success.
Paul D. Starr
Amazing book and a superbly talented author. “Victim 2 Victor” will positively impact and benefit thousands of people after they read it.
This book came at a time me and my sister needed it the most after hearing of what happened to my sister when she was little. This book came as a real inspiration to me and so many others. Thank you for being so brave and sharing your story in order to help and inspire so many others as you did to us. It’s helped my sister to regain so much confidence she had lost.
Avi Jhanji
A heartfelt account of her life journey, that I am sure a lot of women can relate to! I like that the book goes into healing in detail and you can see the genuine help that the author wants to offer other women to become a better version of themselves!
Lestetn Gugra
What we see on the surface of a person isn’t what is happening internally, the battles people are fighting internally, negative thoughts, isolation, feeling lonely, self-harm, what contributes to this and lack of support. We go through so much. It is an inspiration for those who don’t have the tools to move on from traumas or problems and to those who may be going through pain right now
Well written story of Anu’s journey. Some very deep and sad moments which brought tears to my eyes. Anu is a survivor and I’m so pleased that she was able to speak her truth and aspire to become the victor that she is . She shares some great techniques that helped her heal and it’s wonderful that she is able to educate others through her book so more survivors of trauma and abuse can themselves become victors. I would highly recommend reading this book .
Lisa Lambert
Well written story of Anu’s journey. Some very deep and sad moments which brought tears to my eyes. Anu is a survivor and I’m so pleased that she was able to speak her truth and aspire to become the victor that she is . She shares some great techniques that helped her heal and it’s wonderful that she is able to educate others through her book so more survivors of trauma and abuse can themselves become victors. I would highly recommend reading this book .
Andrea Medina
Anu's book is one of those rare pieces of utter vulnerability and courage you find when you're ready to become energized by it. I had to stop reading multiple times because the emotions the events Anu describes of her life dredged up unexpected emotions in me. I related to her poignant and, yes, hurtfully beautiful descriptions of the powerlessness she felt when being abused growing up. Her commitment to not sugarcoating her loss of self in the aftermath of this darkness is admirable. Not many authors that write about abuse are willing to disclose such personal observations of their unhealthy coping mechanisms and negative thought patterns before getting better and reclaiming their life. Anu does not show any fear--she recognizes that there is immense power in vulnerability. I loved how she structured the book with the healing modalities she's learned described in great detail in the latter part. All in all, I highly recommend you pick her work up and give it a shot. You will not regret it!
Shelley Mann
A powerful story of personal growth and healing sure to help anyone who is working to recover from a traumatic past. The author finds peace and healing while traveling the world in this engaging and memorable memoir.
Anthony Verma
Purchased the Kindle Version of book, and WOW what can i say. RAW story from Anu. Very brave for opening up to the world if you ask me. A must read. Very touching, hard at times A
Wow, I’ve been reading this book all day and you really do not realize what a person goes through until they share their story and this author has shared her story perfectly. It is very well written and makes sense to why she had to be so strong. It is a wonderful read with strategies for self-healing which resonates with me into self help and growth. This book will help so many people to remove their limiting beliefs for those who haven’t got the tools to move on with their lives. A touching story, Highly recommend this read.
What we see on the surface of a person isn’t what is happening internally, the battles people are fighting internally, negative thoughts, isolation, feeling lonely, self-harm, what contributes to this and lack of support. We go through so much. It is an inspiration for those who don’t have the tools to move on from traumas or problems and to those who may be going through pain right now
What we see on the surface of a person isn’t what is happening internally, the battles people are fighting internally, negative thoughts, isolation, feeling lonely, self-harm, what contributes to this and lack of support. We go through so much. It is an inspiration for those who don’t have the tools to move on from traumas or problems and to those who may be going through pain right now
Joaquin Reed
Her personal story is endearing and it has taught me that I should not suffer in silence and to communicate more and to love and accept myself and that’s the key to inner peace.
Elisha Choudhry
Anu, I received this best trauma therapy book from amazon and I couldn’t put it down….we were both born In 1980 a day apart- both cancerians, but so different, I always thought of you as an independent, strong minded women. Who achieved anything she put her mind too. From a person that didn’t know your story it’s hard to see how vulnerable you were growing up. Now I know why you always wanted to travel to escape your demons. It saddened me that in the book I had sometimes been out on some of your destructive nights out. I never knew why you were always so crazy and wild, until now. I’m sorry you didn’t get the love and support you needed at the time. But I’m happy you have been able to see after a long journey, how truly amazing you are and I know how hard you have worked to build a wonderful life for you and Noah. Big hugs for being so brave and telling the world your story. Love you lots always Elisha xx
Monica Dougall
From the moment I picked up this book, I couldn’t put it down. It is such a heart tugging book that I needed to know all about Anu’s journey in life. My own memories of my childhood are fond; full of love, family, laughter and happiness and to think that that’s not everyone’s childhood memories is devastating. It’s a place where we assume we are safe. Reading Anu’s story made me feel angry, sad but it also brought a smile to my face as she continued to heal and pressed so hard to get to where she is now. I can’t imagine how she felt writing this book, but one thing is for sure, I can imagine how hard it was. So well done Anu, I hope this book will help others and they too heal and become victors as you have!
Faith Matere
More often than not, a lot of children are abused sexually, physically, and psychologically every day. The abusers are in most cases well known to them and unfortunately, their families chose to act as if nothing happened. This is what happened to the author of this book, she suffered sexual abuse from the age of 3 and has had to live with the trauma that affected most of the decisions and choices she made as an individual. This book is not an easy read since the author has gone into details of the kind of abuse she underwent and how it affected her. “Childhood sexual abuse affects children across every ethnic, educational, religious, socioeconomic, and regional line. There is no discrimination in childhood sexual abuse” quote from the book What makes this book different from the others is that the author has told her story and also included resources that can be used by those who have had similar experiences to heal. In the first part, Anu talks about her sexual abuse experiences both as a child and as an adult, her relationships, her traveling experiences as she sought to escape from the pain, her failed financial investments and her marriage among others. As I was reading, I couldn’t help but marvel at the amount of trauma she had to live with. In the second part, she discusses the various types of trauma and how they happen. At the same time, she also talks about the various healing therapies that are used to treat the different types of trauma. The third part is about her healing journey, methods, and therapies that helped her heal and become victorious. In the fourth part, she talks about decision making and why it’s important for the healing process. The authors’ honesty and desire to help other people who have had similar experiences are what made me love the book. I cheered as the author become victorious in her journey. Anyone who is dealing with any form of trauma will benefit a great deal from this book. The author chose to explore this path in her book, hoping that it will also help others find themselves how she did, through travel, self-help, and a determination to cast off their damaging past.
Sarah Nelson
A candid and honest account of the authors life and how her strength and dedication to discovering positivity, peace and success was gained after traumatic episodes of abuse were encountered in her life. Thank you a lot to digest and take on board. Would highly recommend this book x
Ashley Michelle
As a current guest on Anu's podcast , I found Anu to be completely resourceful through studying and learning the information behind my story. I truly believe that Anu is making a huge difference through providing people an amazing opportunity on her podcast. To share their story of healing with the world. She is also sharing an incredible platform which is helping to create change and inspiration. Anu's book also shines a light on healing. It provides people with hope and peace to life a life full of strength and positivity. It helps people to become the best version of themselves they can and will be. Anu's book is something that I recommend to anyone especially if your going through difficult times. It a way to gain clarity and insight. Anu is a beautiful person inside and out who is doing a world of good. I am proud to say that I had the opportunity to be on her podcast. She is truly remarkable and shines in all she does.