Trauma is the state of emotional and psychological disturbance caused by some incidents in the past. This incident may be of different types. We can say that trauma is a response caused by a tragic event in the past. This event can be a tragedy, an accident, physical or emotional abuse, a natural disaster, and rape. When these events occur, trauma comes, and trauma can affect a person’s mental and physical health. For example, it can cause nausea, increased heart rate, dizziness, cramps, heart problems, high blood pressure, and headaches. There are different types of trauma, such as chronic, acute, and complex. In this article, we will discuss trauma therapy.

Trauma Therapy:

Trauma Therapy is a type of therapy that helps deal with trauma and enables someone to come out of that state of disturbance. Most people in this world suffer from at least one trauma. Trauma can’t go on its own. It needs treatment. So trauma therapy is necessary to treat trauma and all the issues it causes.

Goals of Trauma Therapy:

The main goal of trauma therapy is to resolve and process traumatic memories and improve the overall functioning of a person going through Trauma. Trauma therapy reduces the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

1-Talk Therapy:

Talk therapy, also known as counseling, is a form of psychological treatment that includes talking with a therapist who helps to resolve emotional and mental health issues. This type of therapy can be done one-on-one, in a group setting, or even online. Talk therapy can treat several conditions, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It aims to help individuals gain insight into their thoughts and behaviors, build coping strategies, and improve the overall mental health and well-being of the person going through trauma or mental health issues. Talk therapy can be trauma-focused talk therapy or another type of therapy. There are the following types of talk therapy.

Trauma-Focused Talk Therapy:

Trauma-focused talk therapy consists of therapeutic approaches designed to help individuals who have experienced Trauma, such as physical or sexual abuse and natural disasters. Some of the most commonly used trauma-focused talk therapies include:

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT):

TF-CBT is a therapy that combines elements of CBT and other approaches to treat children and adolescents with Trauma.

Cognitive processing therapy:

CPT usually consists of twelve sessions. It tells the patient how to change their thoughts about a traumatic event. It helps in reducing the symptoms of PTSD.

Prolonged exposure Therapy:

It is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy in which individuals are gradually and repeatedly exposed to memories of the traumatic event.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:

It is a therapy that focuses on the connection between thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and emotions. It has the main idea that our thoughts mainly define our actions and feelings. Cognitive behavioral Therapy treats a wide variety of mental health states which includes depression, different anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorders.

In CBT, therapists work with the person who is going through trauma to identify negative thoughts and challenges which the patient is facing. And then, the therapist develops more adaptive coping strategies. CBT has been a very effective way of treating various mental health problems. CBT is structured and usually consists of ten to twenty sessions. CBT can also treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works by altering negative thoughts and their patterns. It also contributes to changing patterns of behavior that contribute to psychological stress. The CBT consists of the following steps

1- Assessment:

First, the therapist will assess the individual’s symptoms and thoughts, and beliefs so that he can determine the main focus of therapy.


Then the therapist will educate the patient about the connection between thoughts and emotions of the patient and how these factors contribute to distress.

3-Identification of Negative thoughts:

The therapist will help the patient recognize trauma-related negative thoughts and emotions.

4- Replacement of negative thoughts:

Then the therapist will help the patient to replace negative and distressing thoughts with realistic ones. And the patient will be able to change negative emotions with positive and adaptive behavioral changes.

As we have discussed earlier, CBT is a short-term therapy consisting of ten to twenty sessions. Mainly it is based on the idea that by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, patients with trauma can improve their mental health.

Not all trauma-focused talk therapies are proper for every individual, but it may take some time to find the best approach for each person’s needs.

Techniques Used in Trauma Therapy:

There are following techniques used in trauma therapy

  • Cognitive Restructuring:
    • This technique involves challenging or altering negative thoughts and beliefs related to the trauma.Gradual Exposure:
  • Gradual Exposure:
    • Gradual exposure involves confronting the traumatic memory gradually and repeatedly, allowing the individual to process and integrate their experiences over time.
  • Relaxation Techniques:
    • Different relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and art techniques, can help individuals manage anxiety and stress related to the Trauma.
  • Art Therapy:
    • Art therapy may help individuals express their emotions and feelings related to the trauma nonverbally.
  • Narrative Therapy:
    • Narrative therapy involves helping individuals create a new story or narrative about their trauma, promoting resilience and healing.
  • Somatic Therapy:
    • This technique focuses on the individual’s bodily sensations and reactions to the traumatic event to help process and integrate the traumatic experience.
    • These are some techniques used in trauma therapy to promote healing.

Seeking Professional Help:

Seeking professional help is very much crucial in recovery from trauma. A professional therapist can offer various therapies related to your trauma that will help you heal your trauma. A counselor or therapist helps to find the root cause of trauma, which is the first and foremost step toward healing. When you know the cause of the problem, you can also find the solution. Also, the therapists provide a supportive and healthy environment to the patient. Suppose you want to treat your trauma with a professional coach and a therapist. Visit this website She is an excellent coach and therapist. Do check her website for life-changing therapy sessions.

About the Author v2vhealing
