Child sexual abuse and symptoms

These are sexual acts with a child, performed by an adult or an older child. Some typical child abuse behaviors include:

  • Sexual touching of any part of the body, whether covered with clothing or naked
  • Intercourse with penetration, including the mouth
  • Encourage a child to engage in sexual activities, including masturbation
  • Having sex in front of a child, being aware of his or her presence
  • Show pornography to minors or use children to produce this material
  • Child sexual abuse and symptomsEncourage a minor to prostitute himself

There are some behavioral changes in children that may indicate sexual abuse. Here are a few:

  • The girl / boy is particularly afraid of some people or some places
  • Unusual responses of the child to the question “have you been touched?”
  • Unreasonable fear of a medical examination
  • Drawings depicting sexual acts
  • Sudden changes in behavior, such as wetting the bed or losing control of the sphincters
  • Sudden awareness of the genitals, acts and words of a sexual nature
  • Attempts to engage in sexual behavior from other children