Mission, Vision and About


I am on a mission to utilize my own personal traumas, pain, and healing to help other victims of abuse discover the intrinsic power they have to find their way out of the vicious cycle of darkness. 


It is my hope that this space of safety, healing, and hope would empower women and children stuck in abusive situations to get help, get out, and get better. I want to be the light at the end of the tunnel and the guidance that will assure them that they can escape the dark and create a new life for themselves. 


As a woman once stuck in the vicious cycle of abuse myself, I know what it means to survive. Suffering through such difficulty takes a real, harmful, heavy toll on you and many times it’s hard to figure out how to just be after you’ve made it out. I want to fix that. 

By making my story public, and offering a guide through pain, abuse, and healing, I am hoping that I can be a light to others experiencing the same. Through the benefits of self-help methods, determination, and mindful healing, women and children everywhere will be able to overcome the hurt and devastation they have experienced so that they too can write their own stories of victory. 

Living life as a victim is overwhelming and oppressive, but you don’t have to stay there, there is a way out. Overcoming the obstacles at whatever age and whatever situation can feel impossible, but this memoir is my proof and I want you to fight to show yours. 
