Meditation is a technique that has been used for so many years to bring a sense of calm and well-being to those who practice it. If practiced correctly, it can provide clarity of thought and inner harmony. Meditation is one of the most natural and yet most profoundly rewarding of all human activities. It connects you with your own inner powers of courage, clarity, and love.
When done deeply, it also connects you with God and His infinite joy. It is the method of bringing a scattered, disorganized mind into a state of peace, quiet, and tranquility. If meditation is practiced regularly and effectively, you will experience relaxation, increased awareness, mental focus, and a sense of peace of mind since your mind play a vital role when it comes to letting go of stress from your life. Before we discuss different techniques to help you learn meditation, let’s first highlight a few health benefits of practicing meditation.
One of the reasons why meditation has grown in popularity is because of scientific research proving its amazing range of benefits and healing properties. According to many studies, It helps a person increase his focus, and eliminate negative thoughts and anxiety. Here are some of the popular health benefits of meditation:
Stress Reduction- Stress is one of the most common problems a lot of people are facing in these present times. And this is why Meditation is widely recommended as a healthy way to manage stress. Meditation prompts a state of relaxation, which helps reduce stress and anxiety levels. It helps to restore the emotional equilibrium, which will help in improving self-esteem, increase awareness, and positiveness. Just a few minutes a day can make a huge difference by bringing peace and relaxation to your body and mind. A few minutes each day isn’t much, considering that the positive effects will last hours.
Improves Health- Many studies have shown that meditation fosters vibrant health. Daily practice of meditation can help in lowering blood pressure and decreased the risk of heart disease caused by a high level of stress. We need to remember that low-stress levels promote good health, and this one of the main objectives of meditation- to reduce stress and anxiety.
It brings about Happiness and Peace of Mind- Proper meditation is enough to reach a state where the mind is quiet and steady, the respiration is calm and balanced, and the is that of incredible peace. Through meditation, you will be able to eliminate those negative thoughts that threaten your peace of mind. And this will also lead to great happiness.
Meditation helps you improve your focus and concentration- Meditation is one of the proven ways to increase your level of focus and concentration. Often time when you meditate, each of your thoughts has to be put into silence, and this will help you to concentrate and think clearly.
Other psychological benefits of Meditation include:
- Improved learning ability and memory
- Increased self-actualization
- Increased emotional stability
- Increased self-confidence
- Decreased depression
- Increased ability to solve problems
- Increased self-awareness
- Increased capacity to learn new things.
Meditation Techniques.
According to researchers, meditation techniques have been classified into different types. Here is a list of the most common techniques suitable for beginners:
- Breathing Meditations
- Walking Meditations
- Mindfulness Meditations
- Focus Meditations
Breathing Exercise or Meditation- This is an effortless technique and simply requires that you put your mental attention on your breathing. Simply turn your mental focus to your breath as you breathe in and then out. Try to only focus on your breathing, if you find other thoughts entering your mind, then simply return your focus gently back on the breath. It’s a great technique that anyone can practice. All you need to do is to focus on the moment and focus on the breath. With this simple practice, you can completely shift your focus and your state of mind.
Walking Meditations-Â Unlike breathing meditations, the main idea behind walking meditations is to walk in silence as you examine everything that is going on around you. It is most efficient for those who find it painful sitting still for common meditation practice.
Mindfulness Meditations- Mindfulness meditation is all about total concentration and attention. It means doing something with 100 percent of your attention and focus without being distracted at any moment.
Focus Meditations – With this type of technique, it involves focusing on an object like a statue, candlestick, or anything visual and taking the time to examine it to the fullest degree. This is easier to do than focus on nothing at all. This type of practice helps you deepen your focus while you keep your attention.
Spending at least five minutes at the beginning or end of your day is a promising start for new meditation practice. And after a week, you can add another five minutes, and you’ll be up to sit for your meditation practice for at least ten minutes per day soon. There is no fixed time limit for meditation. But your goal is the most significant, and you are more consistent.
Give yourself time to regulate the routine of normal meditation practice. Sometimes it’s helpful to practice yoga or other movements after your meditation. If sitting for your meditation becomes challenging, do not be discouraged. A group setting could be useful therein you’ll ask questions or compare experiences with others.
Whenever you practice, you will have more methods that assist you in deepening your meditation. Although there are many books and other tools available for meditation, there is a singular experience expecting everyone who takes the time to allow meditation to help them become whole again. Meditation could also be a highly beneficial exercise that can only be truly understood through practice.